Voice Disorders Treatment

Clinic For Adult Communication Disorders

The Microcare Speech and Language Pathology Super Speciality Clinic has been widely recognized for its excellent programs dealing with adult communication disorders resulting from a brain injury, voice problems, swallowing disorders.

Adult speech and language conditions we treat are:

  • Brain trauma (stroke, brain tumour, disease, traumatic incident, critical illness myopathy, etc.)
  • Motor speech disorders (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Bell’s palsy, etc.)
  • Dementia (Alzheimer’s, vascular, primary progressive aphasia, frontal-temporal, etc.)
  • Swallowing disorders (dysphagia)
  • Trismus
  • Stuttering
  • Laryngectomy (head and neck cancer)
  • Voice and laryngeal disorders (spasmodic dysphonia, vocal nodules, etc)
  • Speech and resonance disorders
  • Accent reduction program
  • Augmentative and alternative communication

Individual patients may also get benefit from occupational therapy, recreational therapy, physical therapy or social work.