6 level Building:
The new premises of MicroCare ENT Hospital and Research institute, a truly International ENT hospital with all super speciality ENT clinics is having 6 levels with cellar, ground floor and upper four floors. Each floor is designed to a particular speciality services. One entire floor has been given for Operation Theatre complex. The ample car parking space has been provided for patients.
18 Outpatient Departments (OPDs):
MicroCare ENT Hospital and Research Institute provides all OPD services in various disciplines including all 18 super speciality ENT clinics in one complex. OPD is a very important wing of hospital serving as mirror. OPD is visited by large section of community and is the first point of contact between patient and hospital staff. Our staff will help you to get the registration done, visiting the particular OPD room, pharmacy or laboratory investigations. You are having the world first time Walk in 18 super speciality clinics under one roof.
Endoscopy Rooms:
MicroCare ENT Hospital and Research Institute provides you Endoscopy Rooms of Dedicated area where ENT medical procedures are performed with endoscopes, cameras are used to visualize structures within the body esp. Ear, Nose and Throat. Trained nursing and additional staff will help you feel comfortable the whole process apart from monitoring equipment to allow continuous monitoring of patient condition during procedures. Disinfection and cleaning of equipment is at most important. Suction equipment to allow both aspiration of airway secretions and to allow aspiration of fluid through the endoscope. Piped oxygen supply in case of emergencies with all Ancillary equipment is provided.
Allergy tests:
The MicroCare allergy clinic is a leading allergy clinic in Hyderabad which also provides immunotherapy apart from allergy testing. Our team are widely regarded as the most trusted clinic for allergy testing and immunotherapy. We take a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment which includes a health care team of nurses, clinical assistants, allergy specialist doctors and allied health professionals
Allergy is an increasingly prevalent problem. Patients and their families require science and compassion to navigate their way through its many manifestations into the relief. Your allergy doctor will be taking a history, examine you and perhaps provide specific anti-allergy treatment.
All of your allergy concerns will be addressed whether it be Food allergies causing rashes or Dermatitis or Rhinitis, a blocked and/or runny nose with sneezing and nasal itching often accompanied by itchy eyes and sometimes asthma or sometimes Anaphylaxis.
Hearing aid centre:
MicroCare hearing aid centre specializes in Digital Hearing Aids that help you hear better in all types of environments and background noises. Our expert Audiologists use latest technology to diagnose hearing loss using advanced hearing tests with high end equipment and suggest best Hearing Aids that suites each individual requirement, enabling them to hear well, gain confidence to participate normally in family conversations and interact in social circles.
Our audiologists will help hearing impaired people from all segments of society and professions. Students and professionals especially when overcome from their hearing problems will advance in their professional careers and lead a normal life.
We conduct hearing health awareness camps at various locations around Hyderabad regularly.
Cochleo -Vestibular Lab:
MICROCARE ENT HOSPITAL is equipped with the most advanced hearing diagnostic equipment and is one of the top most diagnostic labs in the country. It is having internationally hailed hearing equipment which gives us diagnosis of your problem as per international standards.
We are having facilities for New-born Hearing Screening, evaluation of suspected retro cochlear pathology such as an acoustic neuroma or vestibular schwannoma, understanding tinnitus, Intraoperative monitoring, Best ways to get Objective Audiogram in New-born and Infants, Babies in ICU, Comatose patients, Medicolegal cases (workers compensation, insurance claims, ototoxicity monitoring) etc., Children’s hearing screening (Pre-school and school age), Tinnitus monitoring, to assess Central Auditory Pathway Disorders, For diagnosing Meniere’s disease and to determine the type, degree, and configuration of hearing loss.
Speech Therapy centre:
Speech Therapy is the science of speech and language for the care of individuals with communication, swallowing, eating and drinking difficulties.
Since from 1990, speech therapists changed their name and title to `speech and language therapists at MicroCare speech therapy centre, Speech and language therapy provides life-changing treatment, support and care for children and adults who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing
Our specialist Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are work closely apart from affected children with parents, carers and other professionals, such as teachers, nurses, occupational therapists and doctors.
We also focus on Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Developmental Therapy and Developmental Tutoring. Our specialist Speech and language therapists (SLTs) focus on giving a well-rounded approach to your loved one’s developmental needs by providing a service that targets all areas of concern, working with other team professionals to supplement traditional therapy.
AVT centre:
Microcare Auditory Verbal Therapy centre offers truly unique services making it one of only a few such centers in India offering comprehensive Auditory-Verbal therapy and a full-service Audiology & Hearing Aid Clinic. We focus on listening and spoken language serving infants to adults.
The main focus is on teaching children with all degrees of hearing loss how to listen and speak without the use of sign language or lip reading
Our highly-trained specialist auditory verbal therapists can offer service on a vast variety of issues concerning auditory-verbal therapy, cochlear implants, hearing aids, family centred and holistic approach to supporting and improving the lives of persons who are deaf or hard of hearing to bring people who are deaf or hard of hearing into a lifetime of listening and speaking.
Through the auditory verbal approach, we teach children with mild hearing loss to profound deafness to listen and speak WITHOUT the use of sign language or lip reading.
Sleep Lab:
MicroCare Sleep Lab is a multidisciplinary approach that actively involved in basic and clinical research aimed at determining the conditions that result in sleep disturbances and ensure and address the all concerns of patients in an effective, respectful and satisfying manner.
We provide clinical and technical expertise of highest quality and ensure that the all patients properly diagnosed, assess and treat the full spectrum of sleep. Provide clear plans for follow-up after every clinic or laboratory encounter
We offer broad testing options to patients while demonstrating a commitment to quality diagnostic services. Home sleep apnoea testing (sleep studies test) allows you to sleep at home wearing equipment that collects information about how you breathe during actual sleep at home.
Voice Lab:
Everyone needs a voice, in order to both work and play, including children, MicroCare Voice lab provides a unique support and provision for performers and professional voice users and strives to provide education and assistance to those whose voice is their most valuable tool. This includes advice on vocal technique, voice therapy for voice disorders, technology assistance and all aspects of vocal health and hygiene (both physical and emotional).
The cutting edge technology in Voice lab offers you proper diagnosis of your voice problem and proper treatment. Any professional voice users like Teachers, layers, singers, artists etc. can utilise these specialist voice services
At MicroCare Voice lab we see voice problems of all types ranging from subtle performance issues to vocal fold paralysis and cancer. The Voice team includes voice surgeons, voice therapists, a specialist technician and specialist nurses.
The voice clinic at the RNTNEH provides the highest level of expertise which results often in avoiding surgery. Majority of cases referred to the MicroCare Voice clinic have already been seen at other centres and are referred for expert second opinion and management. We sometime find lesions that previously were not identified including precancerous changes.
At MicroCare Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a specially staffed and equipped, separate and self-contained area of our hospital dedicated to the management of patients post operatively or life-threatening illnesses, injuries and complications and monitoring of potentially life-threatening conditions.
It provides special expertise and facilities for support of vital functions and uses the skills of medical, nursing and other personnel experienced in the management of these problems. Our rapid response teams outreach services.
4 Operation theatres:
Operation theatre complex is the “heart” of our major surgical hospital. The patient is the centre point of a functioning Operation Theatre complex. He / she are in isolation for varying times away from their near and dear ones and is physically sick. So, efforts are directed to maintain vital functions, prevent infections / promote healing with safety, comfort and economy.
We established 4 operation theatres with specialised planning and execution of “civil-mechanical-electrical-electronic- bio medical” combo effort. With state of art technology and laminar flow facilities, different zones of OT complex Protective zone, Clean zone, Aseptic zone, Disposal zone, Pre-operative check in area (reception), Holding area, Induction room – (anaesthetic room), Staff room, The anaesthesia gas / cylinder manifold room / storage area, Offices – for staff nurse and anaesthesia staff, Theatre sterile supply unit (TSSU), Scrub room and the location and flow of the patients, the staff and the materials, patients gets maximum safety.
In-Patient rooms:
Hospitals are the most complex of building types, our hospital is comprised of a wide range of services and functional units. These include diagnostic and treatment functions; hospitality functions such as food service and housekeeping; and the fundamental inpatient care or bed-related function.
Standard single patient rooms contain Patient Control Bed, Bedside Table, Overbed Table, Nurse Call Button, IV Pole, Wall mounted BP Apparatus, Dragger panel complete with oxygen and suction mechanism, Toilet and Bath, Patient’s Cabinet, Dresser, Convertible sleeper chair, Built-in Couch, Telephone line, TV with cable, Wall Clock, Refrigerator, Free wi-fi access.
The Advantage that we provide to you at MicroCare lab is Fast turnaround time
Taking a lab test has never been so easy! Our trained lab technician will collect sample from you with latest techniques and reports will be given to you the same day or in some cases next day.
You will be getting ENT, Head and Neck speciality lab tests at one go in more sophisticated, polite, customer friendly, punctual department.
Our ENT speciality Lab Technicians conducts all ENT lab tests including blood, urine investigations, computerised ECG etc.
ENT speciality Lab at MicroCare ENT Hospital and Research Institute offers the complete Biochemical and haematology investigations.
All ENT, Head and Neck speciality medicines are available at the in house pharmacy, no need for patients to go elsewhere and look for speciality medicines which sometimes difficult to get anywhere in the city. Some medicines or materials used in surgery are specifically imported which are not available in India.
At ENT speciality pharmacy Our trained and friendly pharmacists dispense not only all medicines prescribed by our specialist doctors, they give you guidance on dosage and time of intake in manner which is clearly understandable to you.
You will be having good cafeteria for the immediate needs of patients and patient attendants.
In-house accommodation for paramedics:
Most of para medical staff have been given in house accommodation to be read at no time and be helpful to patients on time.

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