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Treatments for Snoring
Non- Surgical Treatments:
Drugs play no part in treatment of Snoring.
Non- Surgical Treatments for Snoring now available at our Snoring Clinic, MicroCare ENT Hospital and Research institute.
Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) – this is the gold standard treatment for OSAS. It is effective in 99% patients who can tolerate. This approach will get involves wearing a pressurized mask over your nose while you sleep. The mask is attached to a small pump that forces the air through your airway, which keeps it open. CPAP eliminates snoring and prevents sleep apnoea.
Although CPAP is the preferred method of treating obstructive sleep apnoea, some people find it uncomfortable Nasal BiPAP (bi level positive airway pressure)
Surgical Treatments:
- Radio Frequency Treatment
- Radio surgically assisted UP3
Radio Frequency Treatment: Treatment without Surgery – This simple technique is that by using Radio Frequency it removes the excess tissue without any surgical incisions.
Radio Frequency Treatment – LATEST ADVANCEMENT IN THE SNORING SURGERY is now at Microcare ENT Hospital.
700% less lateral damage than Laser
A) Radiosurgically Assisted Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty UP3
B) Radio Frequency Treatment (Somnoplasty) Treatment without Surgery
Radio Surgical Volumetric Reduction of Redundant Tissue of Soft Palate and Tongue Base.
- Done in the OP, they can go back home immediately
- No hospital stay
- Non-invasive procedure
- No surgical incisions
- Less post-operative pain
- Faster Healing
- Cost effective
Indications: Such as, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Chronic Nasal Obstruction and Habitual Snoring.
Radio frequency energy will generate heat at temperatures between 65 C (149 F) and 95 C (203 F) for creating pinpoint coagulation at precise locations within the upper airway. Normal cells and tissues are not destroyed. The generated heat directly denatures the protein structures, and as the tissue heals in approximately three to eight weeks, the tissue volume is reduced, opening the airway. That result in gradual decrease in snoring in a month or so and for most people the problem is resolved.
Depending on the severity of snoring a second procedure is required after 6-8 weeks. Success rate of performing this method of treatment is 80- 90%.
Coblation Technology Assisted Palatoplasty:
Coblation technology: an innovative science for medical applications
Coblation technology use electrical energy to excite the electrolytes in a conductive medium like saline, creating precisely focused plasma. The energized plasma particle possess sufficient energy to break the organic molecular bonds, resulting in tissue dissection and ablation.
The unique properties of Coblation technology enable rapid and controlled removal of tissue while preserving the integrity of surrounding healthy tissue as the radiofrequency current does not pass directly through the tissue, relatively low temperatures (40°C to 70°C) are generated as a by-product of the process.
No Potential Side Effects:
No hazardous side effects are observed with this Coblation Palatoplasty. It is a safe and minimally invasive technique.
Laser surgery
Successive vaporization of lax tissue that removing excess tissue enlarging your airway and reducing the vibration of snoring in the palate are performed under local anaesthesia in the outpatient ENT clinic. The patient response determines the no. sessions.
Laser surgery is generally not recommended for the sleep apnoea.
Palatoplasty or Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UP3): This operation essentially involves in removing the tonsils, trimming the faucial pillars if required, removing the uvula and a variable amount of soft palate. You will be given General anaesthesia during this procedure
This results in removal of excessive and space occupying the tissue with corresponding increase in the cross sectional area of upper airway. It is a type of face- lift to your throat.
Indications for UP3 are
1. Socially disruptive simple snoring
2. OSAS where obstruction is primarily at the upper oropharyngeal level.
Pillar Implants:
Pillar implants are the tiny implants inserted into the soft palate in it to reduce the tissue vibrations that cause snoring.
This procedure is a simple, safe and effective treatment designed to help you stop snoring in selected patients suffering from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
The Pillar Procedure stiffens the soft palate, which is believed to be a significant contributor for at least 80% of people with snoring. This can be performed in about 20 minutes.
Pillar Procedure has only limited benefits for most of the patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea.
- Tonsillectomy
- See Tonsillectomy
- Adenoidectomy
- See Adenoidectomy
- Turbinate reduction
Turbinate Reduction is a quick, painless office based procedure that can provide effective relief from nasal congestion or blockage.
The Coblation wand emits the radio frequency energy that shrinks the turbinates in a minimally invasive procedure.
Benefits of Turbinate Reduction:
The turbinates are structures inside the nose. Enlarged turbinates can cause the nasal block and feels difficult in breathing. Turbinate Reduction shrinks the turbinates will provide relief from nasal allergy symptoms.
Turbinate Reduction can help:
- Reduce sinus-related snoring
- Relieve nasal congestion & drainage
- Reduce the severity of severe or chronic nasal allergies
- Improve breathing.
Deviated Septum of the nose is a common condition that may lead to a blocked airway leading to snoring and sleep apnoea and can be treated with surgery called septoplasty.
What Is a Deviated Septum of the Nose?
A shift in the position of the midline nasal septum to left or right might disrupt the passage of breathing air. This blockage may be partial or complete one side or both sides.
This may occur approximately 80 percent of people from the birth due to a genetic or congenital cause or may also occur as a result of trauma.
Septoplasty: Nasal surgery to fix a deviated septum of the nose
Septoplasty i.e. moving the nasal septum back to the midline to open up the airways on each side is done if breathing problems like snoring or sleep apnoea occur due to deviated septum.
This is often curative treatment for snoring if the snoring is caused by deviated septum of the nose.