The Department of Neuro-otology at Microcare ENT Hospital and Research Institute that provides you a specialists services for all the diagnosis, investigation, management and also the rehabilitation of complex, auditory and vestibular disorders including the skull base surgery.
Patients can hope more that helps you in full diagnosis at our clinic . Our department taking a lead role in research of all this hearing, balance disorders and the management of vestibular disorders, auditory processing disorders, migraine and dizziness.
MicroCare neuro-otology is a multidisciplinary clinic which offers you the state-of-the-art medical, surgical care of the ear (otology) and also related to the skull base (neurotology), specializing in ear surgery for deafness, tumours, trauma, infection and dizziness.
One-stop clinics.
Neuro-otology service is in one-stop at our clinic i.e, diagnostic auditory and the vestibular tests are carried out at the time of initial appointment and also this diagnosis is confirmed in majority of the cases. Imaging and the surgical option may requires you for the further appointment.

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