At MicroCare ENT Hospital and Research Institute, we provide quality health care to every patient regardless of race, cast, colour, culture, language, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, and / or veteran status
In order to provide you the best health care, we need some help from you and your family and we also want you to be responsible and know your rights.
Patient Responsibilities
It is your responsibility to
- Give correct and complete information about your health status and health history including full name, address and other information.
- Ask questions if you do not understand information or instructions prvided.
- Accept health consequences that may occur if you decide to refuse treatment or instructions.
- Inform your health care team if you do not intend to or cannot follow the treatment plan.
- Respect the rights and property of other patients.
- Tell your health care team of any medications you brought from home.
- Report any changes in your health status to your health care team.
- Abide by all hospital rules and regulations.
- Comply with the NO SMOKING policy.
- Comply with the visitor policies; Weapons are prohibited on premises.
- Treat hospital staff, other patients and visitors with courtesy and respect.
- To comply with the instructions given and follow the prescribed treatment plan.
- To communicate with the health care provider if his / her condition worsens or does not follow as expected course.
- Provide complete and accurate information for insurance claims work and cooperate to work with hospital billing offices to make payment arrangements.
- To respect that other patient’s medical condition when is more urgent than yours and accept that your doctor needs to attend them first.
- To respect that admitted patient and patient requiring emergency care is more priority for your doctor.
- To accept the measures taken by the hospital to ensure personal privacy and confidentiality of medical records.
- To accept financial responsibility for health care services received and settle bills promptly and timely.
Patient Rights:
You have the right to
- To receive health care with respect, dignity and privacy, during examination, procedures and treatment
- Personal privacy and confidentiality of your health information.
- Quality health care with proper evaluation and treatment.
- Have access to protective services.
- Have a safe environment.
- Have your concerns about your care heard and resolved when possible. If you have concerns, contact your health care team.
Know the names and roles of those caring for you. - Communicate with your caregivers in a language or method you can understand.
- Have your personal physician notified when you are admitted to the hospital.
- Communicate with people outside the hospital by way of visitors, phone and mail, except when doing so would interfere with your care. Any restrictions will be explained to you.
- Be informed about your health status, recommended treatments, options, risks and benefits or refuse a course of action.
- To receive screening and emergency services without prior authorization, in case of severe pain, injury or sudden illness where the patient life is in serious jeopardy.
- To be informed of any invasive / high risk procedures / treatment /anaesthesia / blood and blood product transfusion.
- Information about the costs of your health care and payment methods.
- Review and receive a copy of your medical record, subject to state law and hospital policy.
- Be involved with your health care through discussions with your caregivers.
- Request a discharge plan evaluation. Your support person (or persons) acting on your behalf can also request a discharge plan evaluation.
- Choose whether or not to take part in research studies and to have studies explained to you before you decide. Your health care will continue regardless of your decision to take part in research studies or not
- Seek an alternate doctor or ask for a second opinion.
- To refuse care / treatment and to obtain discharge against medical advice.

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